Java Collections Framework (with Cheat Sheet)

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Postby Ursego » 20 May 2019, 09:34

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// It is a set of classes in java.util for storing collections. There are four main interfaces in the Java Collections Framework:
// * List: an ordered collection of elements that ALLOWS DUPLICATE ENTRIES. Elements in a list can be accessed by an int index.
// * Set: a collection that DOES NOT ALLOW DUPLICATE ENTRIES.
// * Queue: a collection that orders its elements in a specific order for processing. A typical queue processes its elements in a first-in, first-out order, but other orderings are possible.
// * Map: a collection that maps keys to values, with no duplicate keys allowed. The elements in a map are key/value pairs.

// List, Set and Queue implement the Collection interface:
public interface Collection<E> extends Iterable<E>
// Notice that Map doesn't implement the Collection interface. It is considered part of the Java Collections Framework, even though it isn't technically a Collection. It is a collection (note the lowercase), though, in that it contains a group of objects. The reason why maps are treated differently is that they need different methods due to being key/value pairs.

// Collections Methods:
// The Collection interface contains useful methods for working with lists, sets, and queues.
boolean add(E element) // inserts a new element into the Collection and returns whether it was successful
boolean remove(Object object) // removes a single matching value in the Collection and returns whether the element was removed
boolean isEmpty()
int size() // returns the number of elements in this collection
void clear() // removes all of the elements from this collection; after it, isEmpty() will return true, and size() - zero.
boolean contains(Object object) // returns true if this collection contains the specified element; calls equals() on each element of the ArrayList to see if there are any matches

// List Methods:
void add(E element) // Adds element to end
void add(int index, E element) // Adds element at index and moves the rest toward the end
E get(int index) // Returns element at index
int indexOf(Object o) // Returns first matching index or -1 if not found
int lastIndexOf(Object o) // Returns last matching index or -1 if not found
void remove(int index) // Removes element at index and moves the rest toward the front; if the index doesn't exist, throws IndexOutOfBoundsException; overloads the method of Collection interface
E set(int index, E e) // Replaces element at index and returns original

// Map Methods:
// Since there are both keys and values, we need generic type parameters for both. The class uses K for key and V for value.
void clear() // Removes all keys and values from the map.
boolean isEmpty() // Returns whether the map is empty.
int size() // Returns the number of entries (key/value pairs) in the map.
V get(Object key) // Returns the value mapped by key or null if none is mapped.
V put(K key, V value) // Adds or replaces key/value pair. Returns previous value or null.
V remove(Object key) // Removes and returns value mapped to key. Returns null if none.
boolean containsKey(Object key) // Returns whether key is in map.
boolean containsValue(Object) // Returns value is in map.
Set<K> keySet() // Returns set of all keys.
Collection<V> values() // Returns Collection of all values.

Java Collections Cheat Sheet:


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