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Postby Ursego » 19 Feb 2013, 21:33

The function IfNull(<checked value>, <alternative value>) returns the checked value if it is NOT NULL; otherwise, it returns the alternative value.

It mimics the nvl() function of Oracle. In Transact-SQL language such a function has the name IsNull() (which is pretty confusing since it DOESN'T determine if something is null). Some languages (for example, Kotlin) use ?: (the Elvis operator - if you tilt your head to left, the operator becomes the haircut and the eyes of Elvis :o ). C# has ?? (the null-coalescing operator). Many languages don't have that functionality at all, so developers are forced to check the value for null manually, like in this example for Java:

Code: Select all
String var = <checked value> != null ? <checked value> : <alternative value>

PowerScript is in that club, but nothing in the world stops us from creating a global function like the one proposed here.

The function IfNull() is overloaded for the following datatypes: string, long, double, boolean, PowerObject (overloading of global functions is described here). Of course, both the arguments and the returned value must be of a same datatype.

Examples of use:

Code: Select all
ll_row_count = IfNull(uf_get_row_count(), 0)
li_min_allowed_age = IfNull(uf_get_min_allowed_age(), 18)
ls_full_name = ls_first_name + " " + IfNull(ls_mid_name + " ", "") + ls_last_name // ls_mid_name is optional
ls_err = "Invalid as_mode " + IfNull("'" + as_mode + "'", "NULL") + "." // prevent NULLifying of ls_err
ls_err = "Invalid ai_mode '" + IfNull(String(ai_mode), "NULL") + "'." // both the arguments must be of a same datatype!
lb_value_changed = (IfNull(ls_new_value, '') <> IfNull(ls_old_value, ''))
lcb_clicked_button = IfNull(acb_clicked_button, cb_cancel)


1. Save the file spy.pbl on your hard disk (in the folder where the PBLs are stored). The function is in that PBL.
2. Add it to your application's library list.
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Postby benconsult » 27 Apr 2015, 21:06

Of course you could just use the any variable type for IfNull, and not have to worry about overloading:

Code: Select all
global function any IfNull (any aa_checked_value, any aa_alternative_value);

if IsNull(aa_checked_value) then
   return aa_checked_value
   return aa_alternative_value
end if
end function
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Postby Ursego » 12 May 2015, 14:37

Unfortunately, it's not a good way - it allows to pass arguments of different datatypes with no compilation time error, i.e. it's not type safe:

Code: Select all
ls_err = "Argument ai_mode contains illegal value " + IfNull(ai_mode, "NULL") + "." // runtime error - concatenating string with int!

In fact, the first version was with "any" arguments, but later I switched to the overloaded version.
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Postby benconsult » 13 May 2015, 18:16

It's no more dangerous than using dot notation to load a value from a datawindow into a variable without typechecking. If fact, it's probably less so, since most of the time using IfNull, you would supply a literal, such as an empty string, or a zero, and so type mismatches would be obvious.

However, you can always make a function that's using an Any argument more robust by checking the classname to avoid runtime errors.
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Postby Ursego » 24 May 2015, 07:59

benconsult wrote:It's no more dangerous than using dot notation

But it's also not less dangerous! :lol: Dot notation is not type-safe, and it IS a problem. But it's not only a matter of type safety. In addition, each solution with ANY datatype involves two extra castings - from the original type to ANY and back. Shortly - it is not elegant.

benconsult wrote:you can always make a function that's using an Any argument more robust by checking the classname to avoid runtime errors

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