Kotlin: Populate multi-values Preferences from constants
Posted: 25 Dec 2019, 08:10
by Ursego
We should use constants (rather than hardcoding) whenever possible. That includes populating of ListPreference, MultiSelectListPreference and DropDownPreference. To do it in a generic and elegant way, the objects, which serve as containers for constants groups (or enums), should have functions which return arrays, ready to be assigned to preferences' properties. We need the following functions (to make life easier, they are defined in the interface which will be provided soon):
toArray() - Returns the values of all the constants as an array of the constants type. Used to populate Preference.entryValues when the constants type is String.
toStringArray() - Returns the values of all the constants as an array of String. Used to populate Preference.entryValues when the constants type is NOT String. In fact, it works for String too, so you can call it always, and forget about toArray().
toDisplayedValuesArray() - Returns the human-readable descriptions of all the constants. Used to populate Preference.entries - the array of values which are displayed to the user in list-based prefs. By default, grabs the values from R.string, so you need to define an R.string resource for each constant. Otherwise (for example, if you want to hardcode the displayed values or grab them from the DB), override toDisplayedValuesArray() and build the array in a custom way.
To ensure the same behaviour, all the classes, whose constants are used to populate multi-values Preferences, must implement the interface ConstantsSet<T> (where <T> is the constants' type), provided below. Pay attention, that its abstract functions have comments with examples of implementation - copy-paste them to the implementing objects and customize.
/**************************************************************************************************************************** To be implemented by classes whose constants are used to populate multi-values Preferences (ListPreference, MultiSelectListPreference, DropDownPreference). Example of use: http://code.intfast.ca/viewtopic.php?t=820 ****************************************************************************************************************************/
interface ConstantsSet<T> { // Example of constants, declared in the implementing class: // const val FIRST = 1 // const val SECOND = 2 // const val THIRD = 3
/***********************************************************************************************************************/ fun toArray(): Array<T> // Returns the values of all the constants as an array of the constants type, like {1, 2, 3} // Call it to populate Preference.entryValues in your PreferenceFragmentCompat when the constants type is String.
/***********************************************************************************************************************/ fun toStringArray(): Array<String?> { // Returns the values of all the constants as an array of String, like {"1", "2", "3"} // Call it to populate Preference.entryValues in your PreferenceFragmentCompat when the constants type is NOT String. val origTypeArray = toArray() val stringArray: Array<String?> = arrayOfNulls<String?>(size = origTypeArray.size) for ((i, constantValue) in (origTypeArray.withIndex())) { stringArray[i] = constantValue.toString() } return stringArray }
/***********************************************************************************************************************/ fun toDisplayedValuesArray(context: Context): Array<String?> { // Returns array of human-readable texts for each constant, like {"First", "Second", "Third"}. // Call it to populate Preference.entries in your PreferenceFragmentCompat. val constantValuesArray = toArray() val displayedValuesArray: Array<String?> = arrayOfNulls<String?>(size = constantValuesArray.size) for ((i, constantValue) in (constantValuesArray.withIndex())) { displayedValuesArray[i] = getDisplayedValue(constantValue, context) } return displayedValuesArray }
/***********************************************************************************************************************/ fun getDisplayedValue(constantValue: T, context: Context): String { // Returns the human-readable text for this constant (like "First", "Second" or "Third"). val resourceId = getResourceId(constantValue) return context.resources.getString(resourceId) }
/***********************************************************************************************************************/ fun getResourceId(constantValue: T): Int // Returns R.string.XXX to obtain the human-readable text for this constant.
/* Sample implementation: override fun getResourceId(constantValue: String): Int { return when (constantValue) { FIRST -> R.string.whatever__first SECOND -> R.string.whatever__second THIRD -> R.string.whatever__third else -> throw Exception("$constantValue is not a valid value of ${this.javaClass.name}.") } }
>>>>>>> If R.string is irrelevant (for example, the human-readable texts are hardcoded or retrieved from DB):
STEP 1: implement getResourceId() this way (constantValue must be of the type, actually passed as T when ConstantsSet<T> was created):
override fun getResourceId(constantValue: Int): Int = throw Exception("Fun ${this.javaClass.name}.getResourceId() should never be called since " + "the human readable texts are not stored in R.string.")
STEP 2 (only if toDisplayedValuesArray() will be called): override getDisplayedValue() which is called from toDisplayedValuesArray() per each constant:
override fun getDisplayedValue(constantValue: Int, context: Context): String { return <the text which must be displayed for this constant> }
Or, alternatively, you can override toDisplayedValuesArray() and return the whole array at one stroke:
override fun toDisplayedValuesArray(context: Context): Array<String?> = arrayOf("First", "Second", "Third") */
/***********************************************************************************************************************/ fun validate(constantValue : T?) { // Call it in setters when the set value is represented by a constant, contained in the implementing object. if (constantValue == null) return if (!toArray().contains(constantValue)) throw Exception("'$constantValue' is not a valid value of ${this.javaClass.name}.") } }
Step 1: Create the constants container (i.e. the object which implements ConstantsSet<T>):
object Darkness : ConstantsSet<String> { const val LIGHT = "L" const val LIGHT_MEDIUM = "LM" const val MEDIUM = "M" const val MEDIUM_DARK = "MD" const val DARK = "D" const val VERY_DARK = "VD"
override fun getResourceId(constantValue: String): Int = when (constantValue) { LIGHT -> R.string.darkness__light LIGHT_MEDIUM -> R.string.darkness__light_medium MEDIUM -> R.string.darkness__medium MEDIUM_DARK -> R.string.darkness__medium_dark DARK -> R.string.darkness__dark VERY_DARK -> R.string.darkness__very_dark else -> throw Exception("'$constantValue' is not a valid value of ${this.javaClass.name}.") } }
Step 2: Utilize it when you are building the settings screen. The next code snippet illustrates the idea.
Pay attention, that the PrefFragment in that example is inherited not from PreferenceFragmentCompat but from PreferenceFragmentAutomaticSummary (which is described here). You are not obligated to do that - you can inherit your preference fragment directly from PreferenceFragmentCompat if you want. But inheriting from PreferenceFragmentAutomaticSummary gives you automatic displaying of the value, currently stored in each list-based Preference, in its Summary - for free.
Also pay attention, that prefs are created in code rather than in an XML file. That approach has 3 benefits:
1. Preference.key can be populated with a constant (so, the preference can be accessed later using the same constant). Otherwise you would be forced to store the key as a string resource, and retrieve it each time you need to read the preference. Or populate the key with a hard-coded value, which is unacceptable.
2. The whole logic, creating the Preference, is concentrated in one place (rather than distributed between XML and code). Not all the properties can be populated in XML in an elegant way, so you would populate some of them programmatically anyway.
3. You have an absolute freedom what to do. For example, you can set Preference.title dynamically, or show/hide preferences depending on conditions in runtime.
class PrefFragment : PreferenceFragmentAutomaticSummary(), SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { override fun onCreatePreferences(savedInstanceState: Bundle?, rootKey: String?) { val context = preferenceManager.context val screen = preferenceManager.createPreferenceScreen(context) var dropDownPref: DropDownPreference
// ...create other prefs...
// DEFAULT_DARKNESS dropDownPref = DropDownPreference(context) dropDownPref.key = PrefKey.DEFAULT_DARKNESS dropDownPref.title = getString(R.string.word__darkness) dropDownPref.entryValues /* what we save */ = Darkness.toArray() dropDownPref.entries /* what we show to user */ = Darkness.toDisplayedValuesArray(this.context!!) dropDownPref.setDefaultValue(Darkness.MEDIUM_DARK) screen.addPreference(dropDownPref)
// ...create other prefs...
preferenceScreen = screen } }
Sometimes, we have a legal range of values rather than constants. For example, in my application there was a range of temperatures to which an espresso machine can be set - from 89C to 96C. So, I stored them in an IntRange rather than created 8 constants. In such a case, the container class can implement the interface ConstantsSet<T> as well, but the implementation is slightly different.
In fact, only two things are different:
1. The implementation of toArray() builds the array by looping on the range rather than listing constants in arrayOf(). When ConstantsSet<T> gets that array, the processing keeps going in the same way as if the array would be built from constants.
2. It's important to override getDisplayedValue() since the original version of ConstantsSet<T> reads values from R.string, which is probably irrelevant in most ranages.
object Temperature : ConstantsSet<Int> { private val range = IntRange(89, 96)
override fun toArray(): Array<Int> { // Extract array from range: val arr = Array<Int>(range.count()) { it } for ((i, value) in range.withIndex()) { arr[i] = value } return arr }
override fun getDisplayedValue(constantValue: Int, context: Context): String { return constantValue.toString() // display the stored value to user rather than read it from R.string }
override fun getResourceId(constantValue: Int): Int = throw Exception("Fun ${this.javaClass.name}.getResourceId() should never be called since " + "the human readable texts are not stored in R.string.") }
In the preference fragment, it is used in exactly the same way as in the case of constants.