by Ursego » 19 Feb 2013, 21:35
Here is a small trick how to make a multi-line DW looking similar to a data control in .NET (odd rows with withe background and even rows with light grey background) - such an appearance helps users not to be lost working with many rows of data. That function (I called it uf_set_zebra_bg even though I was working in a very serious organization!) gets one argument - the DW to be zebrified:
- Code: Select all
Acc: public
Dscr: Sets DW's background color so odd rows are white and even rows are light grey.
Must be called AFTER DataObject is set.
Arg: adw - DataWindow
Developer: Michael Zuskin - |
int li_start_pos = 1
int li_tab_pos
string ls_obj_list
string ls_obj_name
boolean lb_is_field
if not IsValid(adw) then return
if adw.DataObject = '' then return
// Make zebra background:
adw.Object.DataWindow.Detail.Color = "1073741824~tif(Mod(GetRow(), 2) = 0, RGB(220, 220, 220), RGB(255, 255, 255))"
// Make fields transparent:
ls_obj_list = adw.Describe("DataWindow.Objects")
li_tab_pos = Pos(ls_obj_list, "~t", li_start_pos)
do while li_tab_pos > 0
ls_obj_name = Mid(ls_obj_list, li_start_pos, (li_tab_pos - li_start_pos))
// If it's a field (regular or computed), make it transparent:
lb_is_field = (adw.Describe(ls_obj_name + ".DBName") <> "!" or adw.Describe(ls_obj_name + ".Type") = "compute")
if lb_is_field then adw.Modify(ls_obj_name + ".Background.Mode='1'")
// Prepare to the next iteration:
li_start_pos = li_tab_pos + 1
li_tab_pos = Pos(ls_obj_list, "~t", li_start_pos)
// Process the last occurrence (which doesn't have a tab after it):
if li_tab_pos = 0 then
ls_obj_name = Mid(ls_obj_list, li_start_pos + 1, Len(ls_obj_list))
// If it's a field (regular or computed), make it transparent:
lb_is_field = (adw.Describe(ls_obj_name + ".DBName") <> "!" or adw.Describe(ls_obj_name + ".Type") = "compute")
if lb_is_field then adw.Modify(ls_obj_name + ".Background.Mode='1'")
end if