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uf_populate_year_ddlb() to populate a DDLB with years

12 Jul 2019, 11:19
by Ursego
- Code: Select all
Dscr: Populates Code Table of DrpDownListBox with years in descendant order beginning from the current year.
Arg: adwo_year - DWObject with DDLB of years
ai_how_many_years - number of years in DDLB
ab_allow_emptify - if true, then an empty row will be inserted to the DDLB; user can select that row to make the field empty.
Developer: Michael Zuskin > |
int li_curr_year
int i
string ls_year
string ls_values
li_curr_year = Year(Today())
// Build string to assign to "Values" property of adwo_year.
// String format: "<display val1>~t<data val1>/<display val2>~t<data val2>/...<display valN>~t<data valN>/"
// Example if currently it's 2019 and ai_how_many_years = 5: "2019~t2019/2018~t2018/2017~t2017/2016~t2016/2015~t2015/".
if ab_allow_emptify then
ls_values = " ~t0/" // insert empty string to the DDLB; user can select that row to make the field empty
end if
for i = 1 to ai_how_many_years
ls_year = String(li_curr_year - i + 1)
ls_values += ls_year + "~t" + ls_year + "/"
adwo_year.Values = ls_values