Posted: 19 Apr 2013, 10:44
Replaces all occurrences of a fragment in a string with another fragment.
- Code: Select all
Dscr: Replaces all occurrences of a fragment in a string with another fragment.
Arg: rs_processed_string (ref) - the string in which replacement should take place.
as_old_frag - the fragment to be replaced.
as_new_frag - the fragment to replace with.
Developer: Michael Zuskin - LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/zuskin
long ll_pos
long ll_old_frag_len
long ll_new_frag_len
ll_old_frag_len = Len(as_old_frag)
ll_new_frag_len = Len(as_new_frag)
ll_pos = Pos(rs_processed_string, as_old_frag)
do while ll_pos > 0
rs_processed_string = Replace(rs_processed_string, ll_pos, ll_old_frag_len, as_new_frag)
ll_pos = Pos(rs_processed_string, as_old_frag, ll_pos + ll_new_frag_len)