by Ursego » 01 Aug 2014, 14:47
The function shows (makes visible) the passed columns and hides (makes invisible) the rest of the columns in the DW. Columns in a grid DW will be shown in the order they appear in as_columns[].
Example of use:
- Code: Select all
gn_util.uf_show_columns(dw_dept, as_cols_to_show[])
gn_util.uf_show_columns(dw_emp, {"emp_id", "list_name", "first_name"})
The source code of the function:
- Code: Select all
Dscr: Shows (makes visible) the passed columns and hides (makes invisible) the rest of the columns in the DW.
Columns in a grid DW will be shown in the order they appear in as_columns[].
Arg: adw - DataWindow
as_columns[] - names of columns to show
Developer: Michael Zuskin - |
int li_count
int i
string ls_col_name
string ls_col_idx
string ls_rc
adw.SetRedraw(false) SetRedraw(true)
// Step 1: hide ALL columns:
li_count = Integer(adw.Describe("DataWindow.Column.Count"))
for i = 1 to li_count
ls_col_idx = "#"+ String(i)
ls_col_name = Upper(adw.Describe(ls_col_idx + ".Name"))
adw.Modify(ls_col_name + ".Visible = 0") // don't check ret code - the column exists for sure since it was returned by Describe()
adw.Modify(ls_col_name + "_t.Visible = 0") // don't check ret code - existence of the "..._t" label is not guaranteed
// Step 2: show columns passed in as_columns[]:
li_count = UpperBound(as_columns[])
for i = 1 to li_count
ls_rc = adw.Modify(as_columns[i] + ".Visible = 1")
if ls_rc = "!" then
f_throw(PopulateError(0, "Column '" + IfNull(as_columns[i], "<NULL>") + &
"', passed in as_columns[" + String(i) + "], doesn't exist in " + adw.DataObject + "."))
// f_throw():
// IfNull():
end if
adw.Modify(as_columns[i] + "_t.Visible = 1") // don't check ret code - existence of the "..._t" label is not guaranteed