Dscr: Returns DataStore created dynamically by the supplied SQL SELECT.
This func allows to AVOID:
1. Creation of a large number of DataObjects, used only once.
2. Complicated formats 3 and 4 of dynamic embedded SQL. It's much easier to build the SQL as a string,
pass it to uf_ds_from_sql() and then manipulate the retrieved data in a DataStore.
The DS cannot have retrieval arguments. Instead, add them to the WHERE clause of SELECT statement dynamically
prior to passing it to uf_ds_from_sql():
ls_sql = "SELECT " + as_list_of_fields_to_print + " FROM emp WHERE dept_id = " + String(al_dept_id)
lds_emp = gn_util.uf_ds_from_sql(ls_sql, true /* ab_retrieve */)
If an argument is an array, then you can create an IN clause using the function uf_in_clause_from_array()
(http://code.intfast.ca/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=95). It has two overloads - for arrays of types string and long:
ls_statuses_frag = gn_util.uf_in_clause_from_array("status", {"A", "N", "R"}) // returns "status IN ('A', 'N', 'R')"
ls_depts_frag = gn_util.uf_in_clause_from_array("dept", {7, 11, 16}) // returns "dept IN (7, 11, 16)"
ls_sql = "SELECT " + as_list_of_fields_to_print + " FROM emp WHERE " + ls_statuses_frag + " AND " + ls_depts_frag
lds_emp = gn_util.uf_ds_from_sql(ls_sql, true /* ab_retrieve */)
Arg: as_sql: SELECT statement to use as the data source of the created DS (without ";").
true = create DS, and retrieve data immediately;
false = only create DS, but don't retrieve.
a_tr - Transaction object for created DS. If it is SQLCA, then call the overloaded version without this arg.
Ret: DataStore. Calling script must check it with IsValid()!
Developer: Michael Zuskin - http://linkedin.com/in/zuskin | http://code.intfast.ca/
long ll_rc
string ls_err = ''
string ls_syntax
DataStore lds
as_sql = Trim(as_sql)
choose case true
case as_sql = ''
ls_err = "as_sql is empty string."
case IsNull(as_sql)
ls_err = "as_sql is null."
case not IsValid(a_tr)
ls_err = "a_tr is not valid."
end choose
if ls_err <> '' then
ls_syntax = a_tr.SyntaxFromSQL(as_sql, "style(type=grid)", ref ls_err)
if Len(ls_err) > 0 then ls_err = "SyntaxFromSQL() failed:~r~n~r~n" + ls_err + "."
end if
if ls_err <> '' then
lds = create DataStore
lds.Create(ls_syntax, ref ls_err)
if Len(ls_err) > 0 then ls_err = "Create() failed:~r~n~r~n" + ls_err + "."
end if
if ls_err <> '' then
ll_rc = lds.SetTransObject(a_tr)
if ll_rc = -1 then ls_err = "SetTransObject() failed."
end if
if ls_err <> '' and ab_retrieve then
ll_rc = lds.Retrieve()
if ll_rc = -1 then ls_err = "Retrieve() failed."
end if
if ls_err <> '' then
if IsValid(a_tr) then ls_err += "~r~n~r~nServerName = '" + a_tr.ServerName + "'; LogID = '" + a_tr.LogID + "'."
if Len(as_sql) > 0 then ls_err += "~r~n~r~nSQL SELECT:~r~n~r~n" + as_sql
MessageBox("Error in uf_ds_from_sql()", ls_err)
end if
return lds
return this.uf_ds_from_sql(as_sql, ab_retrieve, SQLCA)
Dscr: Returns DataStore created dynamically by the supplied SQL SELECT.
This func allows to AVOID:
1. Creation of a large number of DataObjects, used only once.
2. Complicated formats 3 and 4 of dynamic embedded SQL. It's much easier to build the SQL as a string,
pass it to uf_ds_from_sql() and then manipulate the retrieved data in a DataStore.
The DS cannot have retrieval arguments. Instead, add them to the WHERE clause of SELECT statement dynamically
prior to passing it to uf_ds_from_sql():
ls_sql = "SELECT " + as_list_of_fields_to_print + " FROM emp WHERE dept_id = " + String(al_dept_id)
lds_emp = gn_util.uf_ds_from_sql(ls_sql, true /* ab_retrieve */)
If an argument is an array, then you can create an IN clause using the function uf_in_clause_from_array()
(http://code.intfast.ca/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=95). It has two overloads - for arrays of types string and long:
ls_statuses_frag = gn_util.uf_in_clause_from_array("status", {"A", "N", "R"}) // returns "status IN ('A', 'N', 'R')"
ls_depts_frag = gn_util.uf_in_clause_from_array("dept", {7, 11, 16}) // returns "dept IN (7, 11, 16)"
ls_sql = "SELECT " + as_list_of_fields_to_print + " FROM emp WHERE " + ls_statuses_frag + " AND " + ls_depts_frag
lds_emp = gn_util.uf_ds_from_sql(ls_sql, true /* ab_retrieve */)
Arg: as_sql: SELECT statement to use as the data source of the created DS (without ";").
true = create DS, and retrieve data immediately;
false = only create DS, but don't retrieve.
a_tr - Transaction object for created DS. If it is SQLCA, then call the overloaded version without this arg.
Ret: DataStore
Developer: Michael Zuskin - http://linkedin.com/in/zuskin | http://code.intfast.ca/
long ll_rc
string ls_err
string ls_syntax
DataStore lds
as_sql = Trim(as_sql)
if as_sql = '' then f_throw(PopulateError(1, "as_sql is empty string.")) // f_throw(): http://code.intfast.ca/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1
if IsNull(as_sql) then f_throw(PopulateError(2, "as_sql is null."))
if not IsValid(a_tr) then f_throw(PopulateError(3, "a_tr is not valid."))
ls_syntax = a_tr.SyntaxFromSQL(as_sql, "style(type=grid)", ref ls_err)
if Len(ls_err) > 0 then f_throw(PopulateError(4, "SyntaxFromSQL() failed:~r~n~r~n" + ls_err + "."))
lds = create DataStore
lds.Create(ls_syntax, ref ls_err)
if Len(ls_err) > 0 then f_throw(PopulateError(5, "Create() failed:~r~n~r~n" + ls_err + "."))
ll_rc = lds.SetTransObject(a_tr)
if ll_rc = -1 then f_throw(PopulateError(6, "SetTransObject() failed."))
if ab_retrieve then
ll_rc = lds.Retrieve()
if ll_rc = -1 then f_throw(PopulateError(7, "Retrieve() failed."))
end if
catch (n_ex ln_ex)
// Add some more info to the Exception's message and re-throw:
if IsValid(a_tr) then ls_err += "~r~n~r~nServerName = '" + a_tr.ServerName + "'; LogID = '" + a_tr.LogID + "'."
if Len(as_sql) > 0 then ls_err += "~r~n~r~nSQL SELECT:~r~n~r~n" + as_sql
throw ln_ex
end try
return lds