by Ursego » 21 Aug 2018, 19:09
The syntax is for the Sybase ASE dialect of T-SQL (Transact-SQL) - NOT tested on MS SQL Server.
Sometimes debugging of stored procedures is not a very trivial task. For example, if the proc has a lot of input parameters, which are normally passed from the client application (like 70-80 values, sent to be saved from a data entry form), you are required to supply them (or part of them) prior to running the debugger. In that situation, it's much easier to insert the tested information (variables values, or an evidence that a code fragment is reached) into a table, created specially for debug purpose. So, first of all, please run this statement:
- Code: Select all
CREATE TABLE debug_msg
counter_for_sort int NOT NULL,
proc_name varchar(30) NOT NULL,
msg varchar(1000) NOT NULL,
added_dt datetime NOT NULL,
added_by varchar(15) NOT NULL
It's not convenient to write an INSERT statement each time you want to log something. So, you are provided with a stored proc which does all the "black work". Its header comment contains customizable examples of use. Don't forget to write your name and DB username in these fragments:
- Code: Select all
@dbg_user_name varchar(15) -- always hardcode your user name; don't use suser_name()!!! Pass 'ANY' to debug for any user
,@dbg_proc_id int -- pass local var @dbg_proc_id which has been populated from @@procid; don't pass @@procid directly!!!
,@dbg_err_msg varchar(500)
,@dbg_err_no int = 0 -- pass local var @dbg_err_no which has been populated from @@error; don't pass @@error directly!!!
,@del_old char(1) = 'Y' -- pass 'N' if you want to keep records, inserted previously (when the debugged algorithm is running longer than 15 seconds)
INSERTs a debug messgage INTO debug_msg table.
Examples of use (copy the next fragment to a file, change '<Your Username>' and <Your Name>, and use when needed):
------- ####### STEP 1: Add in the proc's top: ############################################################################################
-- <Your Name> debug code - BEGIN
DECLARE @dbg_user_name char(6), @dbg_err_no int, @dbg_err_msg varchar(500), @dbg_proc_id int, @dbg_rowcount int
SET @dbg_user_name = '<Your Username>', @dbg_proc_id = @@procid
EXEC i_debug_msg @dbg_user_name = @dbg_user_name, @dbg_proc_id = @dbg_proc_id, @dbg_err_msg = 'CALLED'
-- <Your Name> debug code - END
------- ####### STEP 2: Call i_debug_msg in the location(s) you need: #####################################################################
------- @@@ To check whether or not the code fragment has been reached:
EXEC i_debug_msg @dbg_user_name = @dbg_user_name, @dbg_proc_id = @dbg_proc_id, @dbg_err_msg = '<<1>>' -- <Your Name> debug code
------- @@@ To check variables' values:
-- <Your Name> debug code - BEGIN
SET @dbg_err_msg = 'Before i_sa_XXX'
+ ', @pol_no=' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, @pol_no)
+ ', @pol_ver_dt=' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, @pol_ver_dt)
+ ', @pol_item_ins_no=' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, @pol_item_ins_no)
EXEC i_debug_msg @dbg_user_name = @dbg_user_name, @dbg_proc_id = @dbg_proc_id, @dbg_err_msg = @dbg_err_msg
-- <Your Name> debug code - END
------- @@@ To check SQL results (@@rowcount & @@error):
-- <Your Name> debug code - BEGIN
SET @dbg_err_no = @@error, @dbg_rowcount = @@rowcount
SET @dbg_err_msg = 'After SELECT ... FROM ...'
+ ', @@rowcount=' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, @dbg_rowcount)
+ ', @pol_no=' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, @pol_no)
+ ', @pol_ver_dt=' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, @pol_ver_dt)
+ ', @pol_item_ins_no=' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, @pol_item_ins_no)
EXEC i_debug_msg @dbg_user_name = @dbg_user_name, @dbg_proc_id = @dbg_proc_id, @dbg_err_msg = @dbg_err_msg, @dbg_err_no = @dbg_err_no
-- <Your Name> debug code - END
------- ####### To see the debug results, run this SQL: ###################################################################################
SELECT counter_for_sort AS id, proc_name, msg, added_dt FROM debug_msg WHERE added_by = suser_name() ORDER BY counter_for_sort
-- If you passed @dbg_user_name = 'ANY':
SELECT counter_for_sort AS id, proc_name, msg, added_dt FROM debug_msg WHERE added_by IN (suser_name(), 'ANY') ORDER BY counter_for_sort
Developer: Michael Zuskin > |
@err_desc varchar(500)
,@proc_name varchar(50)
,@now_dt datetime
,@counter_for_sort int
-- This condition allows you to call i_debug_msg NOT ornamented with "IF suser_name() = 'eXXXXX'":
IF @dbg_user_name NOT IN (suser_name(), 'ANY') RETURN
SELECT @now_dt = GetDate()
IF @dbg_err_no <> 0 BEGIN
SELECT @err_desc = description FROM master..sysmessages WHERE error = @dbg_err_no
SET @dbg_err_msg = @dbg_err_msg + ' DB Error: ' + @err_desc
-- Delete old records (i.e. records not belonging to this run) so that you will always see only the results of the last run.
-- Records are considered old if they are older than 15 seconds - assuming that the algorithm being debugged is running 15 seconds or less.
-- If the algorithm runs longer than 15 seconds, then the first debug messages will be lost. To prevent that, pass arg @del_old = 'N':
IF @del_old = 'Y'
DELETE FROM debug_msg WHERE added_by = @dbg_user_name AND DateDiff(second, added_dt, @now_dt) > 15
-- Passing the value of @@procid (rather than proc name) allows to copypaste the debug fragment without changing the proc name each time:
SELECT @proc_name = name FROM sysobjects WHERE id = @dbg_proc_id
-- Generate counter which allows to view records in the order they were inserted:
SELECT @counter_for_sort = Max(counter_for_sort) FROM debug_msg WHERE added_by = @dbg_user_name
IF @counter_for_sort IS NULL SET @counter_for_sort = 0
SET @counter_for_sort = @counter_for_sort + 1
INSERT debug_msg (counter_for_sort, proc_name, added_dt, added_by, msg) VALUES (@counter_for_sort, @proc_name, @now_dt, @dbg_user_name, @dbg_err_msg)