The class CrudHelper, presented here, abstracts the SQLite-related boilerplate code and provides a simple and easy-to-use API for the typical database operations. CrudHelper:
1. Persists the data in Kotlin objects into the database by simply passing the objects which contain data to be used in the DML statements.
2. Returns data, retrieved from DB, as a Kotlin type: scalar, object (for a single record), or ArrayList of objects (for a recordset). They are ready to be used in business logic directly. No need to contaminate your business code with manipulations with ContentValues and Cursor anymore!
Most examples in books and the Internet suggest to create all the CRUD functions, serving different entities, in one class inherited directly from SQLiteOpenHelper. Even worse - all those examples are forcing you to mix the business logic with such pure technical code as population of ContentValues and reading from Cursor. Unfortunately, even the rarely found examples, which suggest to dedicate separate classes to CRUD operations on different entities, promote endless copy-paste as well. I have no idea why all the smart and experienced people, who wrote all these books and articles, didn't encapsulate the common logic in a generic class - even first-year Computer Science students know that code duplication is bad.
For me, that approach is absolutely unacceptable, so I am going against the mainstream. For each entity (for example, Emp, Dept, etc.), I prefer to create a separate class, dedicated to DB operations only with that entity (for example, EmpController, DeptController, etc.) - instead of dumping everything into one monstrous mess inside CustomSQLiteOpenHelper. And, of course, to separate technical code from business code.
Usually, CRUD functions in different entities are similar (the only difference is how you populate ContentValues and extract values from Cursor, or in SQLs). If you remove the operation with ContentValues and Cursor from the picture, then, in most cases, those functions become absolutely identical: INSERT one record and return the autoincremented ID; UPDATE/SELECT one record by ID; SELECT ArrayList by a WHERE clause.
The solution refactors the common code to an ancestor class, exempting the developer from creation of many classes which look like enzygotic twins (with microscopic differences here and there). That makes the XxxController classes very small, almost empty - they contain only the entity-specific logic which requires additional processing on top of calling the CRUD functions, encapsulated in the ancestor. If your entity needs the standard CRUD functions only, you don't need to create a XxxController class for it at all. Instead, call these functions directly from any place. For that purpose, create an object of the class, which encapsulates the CRUD functions (rather than inherit from it) - it's not abstract.
You can reuse my solution, if you want. But it's important to mention, that the functionality is still under construction - in fact, I started to learn Kotlin & Android 2 weeks ago, and wrote the provided code while creating my first learning-purpose app (I just started creating it, ha-ha!). So, I believe, the solution is raw (and, for sure, not tested well) - don't trust it with closed eyes. If you find a bug or have an idea how to improve - create a comment in this topic, or send me an email to OK, let's go!
@ Create "db" package, where you will put the stuff, related to database manipulations, specific to this application. Pay attention, that any stuff, which doesn't deal with the entities of this app (and, hence, can be reused in other apps), should be placed in the "util" package - even if it DB-related.
@ In "db" package, create a Kotlin file named DbInfo and copy the following code into it - just after the "package" directive (change the DB name to the actual one):
object DbColumn { const val ID = "_id" const val FIRST_NAME = "first_name" const val LAST_NAME = "last_name" const val DOB = "dob" const val IS_ACTIVE = "is_active" }
We create one object which will contain all the columns of all the tables (rather than a dedicated object for each table) because a same column can exist in many tables, and we want to ensure consistency all over the application (after all, that's why we use constants!). That also obeys the DRY principle (Don't Repeat Yourself) - we don't duplicate a same column name constant in many places. Obviously, we will use these constants to build the CREATE TABLE statements. So, if the column name is "dob", it will be "dob" everywhere - not "dob" in one table, "birth_date" in another table, and "date_of_birth" in another table.
@ In "db" package, create a Kotlin file named CustomSQLiteOpenHelper and copy the following code into it - just after the "package" directive:
open class CustomSQLiteOpenHelper(context: Context): SQLiteOpenHelper(context, DbInfo.NAME, null, DbInfo.VERSION) { /***********************************************************************************************************************/ override fun onCreate(db: SQLiteDatabase) { this.createDbObjects(db) } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ private fun createDbObjects(db: SQLiteDatabase) { // Extracted from onCreate() to allow the logic be executed many times from onOpen() in debug purpose. // In production, it will be called only once, from onCreate() - comment out calling from onOpen().
var sql: String
// var sql: String = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + DbTable.XXX // that allows to call this function many times in debug purposes // db.execSQL(sql)
// sql = "CREATE TABLE " + DbTable.XXX + " (" + // DbColumn.ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + // DbColumn.FIELD_1 + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + // DbColumn.FIELD_2 + " INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0" + // ")" // db.execSQL(sql) } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // Comment out this function when createDbObjects() has been successfully debugged !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! override fun onOpen(db: SQLiteDatabase?) { super.onOpen(db) this.createDbObjects(db!!) } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ override fun onUpgrade(db: SQLiteDatabase, oldVersion: Int, newVersion: Int) { //TODO } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ override fun close() { this.writableDatabase.close() super.close() } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ }
Interface Crudable
Forces you to write the "boring" technical code (population of ContentValues and reading from Cursor) separately from the "interesting" business logic, which makes that logic easier to write and, later, understand.
@ In "util" package, create a Kotlin file named Crudabe and copy the following code into it - just after the "package" directive (everything is explained in the comments):
import android.content.ContentValues import android.database.Cursor import <YOUR BASE PACKAGE>.db.DbColumn
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Must be implemented by all model classes, representing different entities of the application (like Emp, Dept etc.). // That will allow CrudHelper class to manipulate with those classes in its CRUD functions. // This interface forces you to write pure technical boilerplate code (population of ContentValues and reading from Cursor) // separately from the business logic, which makes that logic easier to write and, later, understand. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
interface Crudable { /***********************************************************************************************************************/ val TABLE_NAME: String /***********************************************************************************************************************/ val ID_COL_NAME: String get() = DbColumn.ID // override if the ID column name is not "_id" /***********************************************************************************************************************/ var id: Int? // Override this way: // override var id: Int? = null /***********************************************************************************************************************/ fun extractContentValues(): ContentValues // Called from insert() and update() of CrudHelper.
// Just copy-paste to the descendant and customize according to the fields in that descendant: // override fun extractContentValues() : ContentValues { // val cv = ContentValues() // // DON'T PUT PK FIELD(S) - PK IS AUTOGENERATED (ON INSERT) OR SUPPLIED WITHIN WHERE CLAUSE (ON UPDATE) // cv.put(DbColumn.FIRST_NAME, this.firstName) // cv.put(DbColumn.LAST_NAME, this.lastName) // cv.put(DbColumn.DOB, this.dob) // cv.put(DbColumn.IS_ACTIVE, this.isActive) // return cv // } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ fun populateFromCursor(cursor: Cursor) // Called from retrieveListBySql() of CrudHelper.
// Just copy-paste to the descendant and customize according to the fields in that descendant: // override fun populateFromCursor(cursor: Cursor) { // = cursor.getInt(DbColumn.ID) // // this.firstName = cursor.getString(DbColumn.FIRST_NAME) // this.lastName = cursor.getString(DbColumn.LAST_NAME) // this.dob = cursor.getLocalDate(DbColumn.DOB) // this.isActive = cursor.getBoolean(DbColumn.IS_ACTIVE) // } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ } // interface Crudable
Class CrudHelper
The main working horse of the functionality. Encapsulates population of ContentValues and reading from Cursor, so you will never write these loops anymore among your business logic. Has the following functions which operate on objects, implementing the Crudable interface:
* retrieveList() // SELECTs a recordset (ArrayList) * retrieveOne() // SELECTs a single record
// Functions which SELECT one scalar value of the given data type:
* queryForString() // For example, SELECT last_name FROM emp WHERE emp_id = 123 * queryForLong() // For example, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM emp * queryForDouble() // For example, SELECT salary FROM emp WHERE emp_id = 123 * queryForBoolean() // For example, SELECT is_active FROM emp WHERE emp_id = 123 * exists() // Mimics the EXISTS statement of SQL
// DML functions:
* insert() * update() * upsert() // UPDATEs the record if it exists in the table, INSERTs if doesn't * delete()
@ In "util" package, create a Kotlin file named CrudHelper and copy the following code into it - just after the "package" directive:
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // Before you add this class to your app, create CustomSQLiteOpenHelper: // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
open class CrudHelper(context: Context): CustomSQLiteOpenHelper(context) { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Encapsulates the typical CRUD functions applicable to DB entities. // In most cases, this class can be instantiated and used directly, with no need to be extended. // But if some entity's CRUD logic is less straightforward, you can inherit from CrudHelper and add/override functions: // class DeptCrudHelper(context: Context): CrudHelper(context) { ... } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Model (entity) classes (like Emp, Dept), for which you want to call CRUD functions, must implement Crudable interface. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // How to use this class: // // Instantiate CrudHelper in the activity which will use it (like EmpListActivity and EmpEditActivity) as a property: // private val crudHelper = CrudHelper(context = this) // // That's it! Now, each function of the Activity can call the CRUD functions of crudHelper. For example: // // val emp = Emp() // newAutoincrementedId = crudHelper.insert(emp) // ... // crudHelper.update(emp) // ... // crudHelper.delete(emp) // empWithWorkerNumber25 = crudHelper.retrieveOne<Emp>(DbTable.EMP, "${DbColumn.WORKER_NUMBER} = 25") // val allEmployees = crudHelper.retrieveList<Emp>() // val activeEmployees = crudHelper.retrieveList<Emp>(tableName = DbTable.EMP, whereClause = "${DbColumn.IS_ACTIVE}=1") // val sql = "SELECT ${DbColumn.LAST_NAME} AS textValue FROM "${DbTable.EMP} ORDER BY ${DbColumn.LAST_NAME}" // val empLastNames = crudHelper.retrieveList<CrudableString>(sql) // // If no fitting function is found in crudHelper, the Activity can call the functions of // crudHelper.writableDatabase & crudHelper.readableDatabase directly. // For example, to run an SQL statement, which returns nothing (or you don't need the returned value), write: // crudHelper.writableDatabase.execSQL("...") // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // retrieveList() [SELECTs a recordset]: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/***********************************************************************************************************************/ inline fun <reified T: Crudable> retrieveList(sqlSelect: String, selectionArgs: Array<String>? = null): ArrayList<T> { // The number, types and order of the fields in the SELECT statement must correspond the fields, copied // in extractContentValues() and populateFromCursor() of the class, passed as T.
// If you need to retrieve a recordset, which doesn't correspond to a particular table (for example, // to SELECT FROM a few joined tables, or grab statistics), then create (an pass to this function as <T>) // a custom class - just for that purpose. In this case, follow these rules: // 1. If the SQL SELECT has computed fields, give them aliases to be accessed by name in code. // 2. Override populateFromCursor() as usually (it's used on retrieval). // 3. Override TABLE_NAME, id and extractContentValues() this way:
// override val TABLE_NAME: String // get() = throw Exception("<YourClass>.TABLE_NAME should never be got!") // // override var id: Int? // get() = throw Exception("<YourClass>.id should never be got!") // set(value) {throw Exception("<YourClass>.id should never be set!")} // // override fun extractContentValues(): ContentValues = throw Exception("<YourClass>.extractContentValues() should never be called!")
val entities = ArrayList<T>() val db = this.writableDatabase if (!db.isOpen) throw Exception("CrudHelper.retrieveList(): DB is closed.")
val cursor = db.rawQuery(sqlSelect, selectionArgs) ?: throw Exception("CrudHelper.retrieveList(): rawQuery() returned null cursor by '$sqlSelect'.") cursor.use { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { // The following two code lines is a dirty trick to create an instance of a generic type. // To enable that, the generic parameter is marked as reified. That is possible only // in inline functions, so this function and all its callers are converted to inline. // val actualRuntimeClassConstructor: KFunction<T> = T::class.constructors.first() val entity: T =
return entities } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ inline fun <reified T: Crudable> retrieveList (tableName: String, whereClause: String? = null, orderByClause: String? = null): ArrayList<T> { val sql = StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM $tableName") if (whereClause != null) sql.append(" WHERE $whereClause") if (orderByClause != null) sql.append(" ORDER BY $orderByClause") return this.retrieveList(sql.toString()) } /***********************************************************************************************************************/
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // retrieveOne() [SELECTs one single record]: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/***********************************************************************************************************************/ inline fun <reified T: Crudable> retrieveOne (sqlSelect: String, selectionArgs: Array<String>? = null, required: Boolean = false): T? { val entities: ArrayList<T> = this.retrieveList(sqlSelect, selectionArgs) return when (entities.size) { 1 -> entities[0] 0 -> { if (required) throw Exception("CrudHelper.retrieveOne(): no data found by '$sqlSelect'.") null } else -> throw Exception("CrudHelper.retrieveOne(): ${entities.size} rows returned by '$sqlSelect' while one row expected.") } } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ inline fun <reified T: Crudable> retrieveOne (tableName: String, id: Int, idColName: String = "_id", required: Boolean = true): T? { return this.retrieveOne(sqlSelect = "SELECT * FROM $tableName WHERE $idColName=$id", required = required) } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ inline fun <reified T: Crudable> retrieveOne (tableName: String, whereClause: String, selectionArgs: Array<String>? = null, required: Boolean = true): T? { return this.retrieveOne(sqlSelect = "SELECT * FROM $tableName WHERE $whereClause", selectionArgs = selectionArgs, required = required) } /***********************************************************************************************************************/
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions which SELECT one scalar value: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/***********************************************************************************************************************/ fun queryForString(sqlSelect: String, required: Boolean = false): String? { // Executes a statement that returns a scalar String value. For example, SELECT last_name FROM emp WHERE emp_id = 123 val result: String
try { val statement = this.readableDatabase.compileStatement(sqlSelect) result = statement.simpleQueryForString() } catch (e: SQLException /* compileStatement() failed */) { throw Exception("CrudHelper.queryForString(): '$sqlSelect' is not a valid SQL statement.") } catch (e: SQLiteDoneException /* simpleQueryForString() returned zero rows */) { if (required) throw Exception("CrudHelper.queryForString(): no data found by '$sqlSelect'.") return null }
return result } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ fun queryForLong(sqlSelect: String, required: Boolean = false): Long? { // Executes a statement that returns a scalar Long value. For example, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM emp val result: Long
try { val statement = this.readableDatabase.compileStatement(sqlSelect) result = statement.simpleQueryForLong() } catch (e: SQLException /* compileStatement() failed */) { throw Exception("CrudHelper.queryForLong(): '$sqlSelect' is not a valid SQL statement.") } catch (e: SQLiteDoneException /* simpleQueryForLong() returned zero rows */) { if (required) throw Exception("CrudHelper.queryForLong(): no data found by '$sqlSelect'.") return null }
return result } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ fun queryForDouble(sqlSelect: String, required: Boolean = false): Double? { // Executes a statement that returns a scalar String value convertible to Double. // For example, SELECT salary FROM emp WHERE emp_id = 123 val resultAsDouble: Double val resultAsString = this.queryForString(sqlSelect, required) if (resultAsString == null && !required) return null // if (result == null && required), then an Exception has already been thrown by queryForString()
try { resultAsDouble = resultAsString!!.toDouble() } catch (e: NumberFormatException) { throw Exception("CrudHelper.queryForDouble(): The value, retrieved by '$sqlSelect', is $resultAsString. " + "It cannot be converted to Double.") }
return resultAsDouble } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ fun queryForBoolean(sqlSelect: String, required: Boolean = false): Boolean? { // Executes a statement that returns a scalar Long value which can be treated as Boolean (i.e. 0 or 1). // For example, SELECT is_active FROM emp WHERE emp_id = 123 val result = this.queryForLong(sqlSelect, required) if (result == null && !required) return null // if (result == null && required), then an Exception has already been thrown by queryForLong()
throw Exception("CrudHelper.queryForBoolean(): The value, retrieved by '$sqlSelect', is $result. " + "To be treated as Boolean, it must be 0 or 1.") } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ fun exists(tableName: String, whereClause: String? = null): Boolean { // Mimics the EXISTS statement of SQL. val sqlSelect = "SELECT Count(1) FROM $tableName" + if (whereClause != null) " WHERE $whereClause" else "" val count = this.queryForLong(sqlSelect, required = false)!! return (count > 0) } /***********************************************************************************************************************/
/***********************************************************************************************************************/ open fun insert(entity: Crudable, idAutoIncrement: Boolean = true): Int { if (idAutoIncrement && != null) throw Exception("CrudHelper.insert(): must be null (not ${}) since idAutoIncrement = true.") val cv = entity.extractContentValues() val rowId = this.writableDatabase.insert(entity.TABLE_NAME, null, cv) if (rowId == -1L) throw Exception("CrudHelper.insert() failed.") if (idAutoIncrement) = rowId.toInt() return rowId.toInt() } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ open fun update(entity: Crudable, whereClause: String? = null): Int { // If whereClause is not supplied, this fun updates by val cv = entity.extractContentValues() val finalWhereClause = whereClause ?: "${entity.ID_COL_NAME}=${}" return writableDatabase.update(entity.TABLE_NAME, cv, finalWhereClause, null) } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ open fun upsert(entity: Crudable): Int { // UPDATE if exists, INSERT if doesn't; use with autoincremented ID return if ( != null) update(entity) else insert(entity) } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ open fun upsert(entity: Crudable, whereClause: String): Int { // UPDATE if exists, INSERT if doesn't; use with a custom PK val rowsUpdated = update(entity, whereClause) if (rowsUpdated > 0) return rowsUpdated return insert(entity) } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ open fun delete(entity: Crudable): Int { // Deletes the entity by its id. If deleting condition is different (or there is no condition at all), then call directly: // <your CrudHelper>.writableDatabase.delete(<table>, <whereClause>, <whereArgs>) return this.writableDatabase.delete(entity.TABLE_NAME, "${entity.ID_COL_NAME}=${}", null) } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ } // class CrudHelper
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // Comment out this fragment when CustomSQLiteOpenHelper.createDbObjects() has been successfully debugged: if (g_DEBUG_MODE) { val customSQLiteOpenHelper = CustomSQLiteOpenHelper(this) customSQLiteOpenHelper.createDbObjects(customSQLiteOpenHelper.writableDatabase) } // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ You have created the class CustomSQLiteOpenHelper with the function createDbObjects() having commented-out sample code. Now it's time to uncomment and customize it, so the function will create your table(s). When that function works perfectly, comment out the fragment, added to onCreate() of the MainActivity in the previous step (or make g_DEBUG_MODE false).