by Ursego » 03 Apr 2013, 15:15
Do not trust DWItemStatus. Instead of GetItemStatus, use uf_col_modified() and uf_row_modified(), suggested below.
Reports if the passed column has been modified, i.e. its value has been changed since the row was retrieved/inserted/updated, but not been saved yet. If the value was changed, but later the original value was restored, the field is NOT considered modified regardless its DWItemStatus.
Checking of the field's DWItemStatus doesn't work always: if the value was changed, but later the original value was restored (so, the column has not been REALLY modified), the status is still DataModified! as it was set by the first change - the second change didn't bring it back to NotModified!. . So, the only reliable way to get the answer is comparison of the current and the original values (keeping in mind that one of them, or both, can be NULL). And that is exactly what uf_col_modified() does. It makes scripts shorter by exempting developers from:
1. Declaration and populating of two variables (to keep the compared values).
2. Processing of NULLs. "No change" is reported if both the values are NULLs, and "change occurred" if only one of them is NULL.
- Code: Select all
Dscr: Reports if the passed column has been modified, i.e. its value has been changed since the row was
retrieved/inserted/updated, but not been saved yet. If the value was changed, but later the original value
was restored, the field is NOT considered modified regardless its DWItemStatus.
If your script deals only with the current record of the Primary! buffer (i.e. it's a FORM DW),
then you can use the overloaded version with 2 arguments (adw & as_col).
Arg: DataWindow adw
long al_row
string as_col
DWBuffer a_buf
Ret: boolean (true - has been changed, false - has NOT been changed)
Developer: Michael Zuskin - |
string ls_col_type
string ls_old
string ls_new
DWItemStatus l_col_status
l_col_status = adw.GetItemStatus(al_row, as_col, a_buf)
if l_col_status = NotModified! then
return false
end if
// If this code reached, it's DataModified!. That does not guarantee that the column has actually been
// modified - user could change its value (making it DataModified!), but restore
// the original value later (unfortunately, that doesn't rollback the status to NotModified!).
// So, we will compare the original and the current values.
ls_col_type = Lower(Left(adw.Describe(as_col + ".coltype"), 5))
choose case ls_col_type
case "numbe", "long", "ulong", "real", "int", "decim"
ls_old = String(adw.GetItemNumber(al_row, as_col, a_buf, true))
ls_new = String(adw.GetItemNumber(al_row, as_col, a_buf, false))
case "char(", "char"
ls_old = adw.GetItemString(al_row, as_col, a_buf, true)
ls_new = adw.GetItemString(al_row, as_col, a_buf, false)
case "datet", "times"
ls_old = String(adw.GetItemDateTime(al_row, as_col, a_buf, true))
ls_new = String(adw.GetItemDateTime(al_row, as_col, a_buf, false))
case "date"
ls_old = String(adw.GetItemDate(al_row, as_col, a_buf, true))
ls_new = String(adw.GetItemDate(al_row, as_col, a_buf, false))
case "time"
ls_old = String(adw.GetItemTime(al_row, as_col, a_buf, true))
ls_new = String(adw.GetItemTime(al_row, as_col, a_buf, false))
end choose
if IsNull(ls_old) and IsNull(ls_new) then return false
if IsNull(ls_old) and not IsNull(ls_new) then return true
if not IsNull(ls_old) and IsNull(ls_new) then return true
return (ls_new <> ls_old)
If the script deals only with the current record of the Primary! buffer (for example, in a FORM DW, or in a multi-rows DW with no filtering and deletion) then you can create an overloaded version (with only 2 arguments - adw and as_col_name) having the following script:
- Code: Select all
return uf_col_modified(adw, as_col, adw.GetRow(), Primary!)
Reports if the passed row has been modified, i.e. at least one of its columns has been changed. A column is considered modified if its value has been changed since the row was retrieved/inserted/updated, but that change has not been saved yet. If the value was changed, but later the original value was restored, the column is NOT considered modified regardless its DWItemStatus.
- Code: Select all
Dscr: Reports if the passed row has been modified, i.e. at least one of its columns has been changed.
A column is considered modified if its value has been changed since the row was retrieved/inserted/updated,
but that change has not been saved yet. If the value was changed, but later the original value was restored,
the column is NOT considered modified regardless its DWItemStatus.
If your script deals only with the current record of the Primary! buffer (i.e. it's a FORM DW),
then you can use the overloaded version with 1 argument only (adw).
Arg: adw DataWindow
al_row long
DWBuffer a_buf
Ret: boolean
Developer: Michael Zuskin - |
int i
int li_col_count
string as_col
DWItemStatus l_row_status
l_row_status = adw.GetItemStatus(al_row, 0 /* get the status of the whole row */, a_buf)
choose case l_row_status
case New!, NotModified!
return false
end choose
// If this code reached, it's NewModified! or DataModified!. That does not guarantee that the row has actually been
// modified - user could change a column in the row (marking it as NewModified! or DataModified!), but restore
// the original value later (unfortunately, that doesn't rollback the status to New! or NotModified!).
// So, we will utilize uf_col_modified() which compares the original and the current values.
li_col_count = Integer(adw.Describe("datawindow.column.count"))
for i = 1 to li_col_count
as_col = adw.Describe("#"+ String(i) + ".Name")
if uf_col_modified(adw, as_col, al_row, a_buf) then
return true
end if
return false
The code of an overload to check only the current row in the Primary! buffer:
- Code: Select all
return uf_row_modified(adw, adw.GetRow(), Primary!)