@ If res/menu directory doesn't exist: right click "res" directory > New > Directory > enter the directory name "menu" > OK.
@ Right click "res/menu" directory > New > File > enter the menu name "XXX_activity_menu.xml" (like "main_activity_menu.xml" if you are creating the menu for MainActivity) > OK > XML > OK > The menu designer opened.
@ Make its text this (the example creates a menu with one item; that item opens the Settings screen, described here; of course, you can customize according to your needs, and add more items):
@ If you want to change the icon (or add icons to other menu items): switch the menu XML from Text to Design view > in Component Tree, click the menu item > Attributes > icon > click on the vertical line ("Pick a resource").
@ Add to the Activity, for which the menu is created:
/***********************************************************************************************************************/ override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu?): Boolean { (menu as MenuBuilder).setOptionalIconsVisible(true) // remove this line if your menu items don't have icons menuInflater.inflate(R.menu.main_activity_menu, menu) // change main_activity_menu to the actual name of your menu if it's different return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu) } /***********************************************************************************************************************/ override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem?): Boolean { when (item?.itemId) { R.id.<your menu item id> -> { val intent = Intent(this, PrefActivity::class.java) // change PrefActivity to the actual name of the activity the item opens startActivity(intent) } } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item!!) } /***********************************************************************************************************************/
If you want to make a menu item visible/invisible depending on a runtime condition, do the following:
@ In the Activity, which displays the menu, override the function onPrepareOptionsMenu(). In the following example, I show the menu item "Delete Elephant" only if the elephant exists: