by Ursego » 16 Apr 2013, 13:23
The function reports if the value exists in the array. If the array is small (100 elements or less) then the function simply loops on it, otherwise it creates a DataStore and uses Find(). It has 2 overloads - for string and long data types:
- Code: Select all
Dscr: Reports if the value exists in a STRING array. If the array is small (100 elements or less) then the function
simply loops on it; otherwise, it creates a DataStore and uses Find().
Another overload does the same for a LONG array.
Arg: as_val
rs_arr[] (ref)
Developer: Michael Zuskin - |
long ll_upper_bound
long ll_row
DataStore lds_temp
if uf_empty(as_val) then
f_throw(PopulateError(0, "Arg as_val is empty.")) // f_throw():
end if
// If array is small then we can LOOP:
ll_upper_bound = UpperBound(rs_arr[])
if ll_upper_bound <= 100 then
for ll_row = 1 to ll_upper_bound
if rs_arr[ll_row] = as_val then
return true
end if
return false
end if
// The array is large - it's faster to use DataStore search:
lds_temp = uf_ds_from_array(rs_arr[]) // uf_ds_from_array():
lds_temp.object.val.current = rs_arr[]
ll_row = lds_temp.Find("the_val=" + as_val, 1, ll_upper_bound)
destroy lds_temp
return (ll_row > 0)
- Code: Select all
Dscr: Reports if the value exists in a LONG array. If the array is small (100 elements or less) then the function
simply loops on it; otherwise, it creates a DataStore and uses Find().
Another overload does the same for a STRING array.
Arg: al_val
rl_arr[] (ref)
Developer: Michael Zuskin - |
long ll_upper_bound
long ll_row
DataStore lds_temp
if uf_empty(al_val) then
f_throw(PopulateError(0, "Arg al_val is empty.")) // f_throw():
end if
// If array is small then we can LOOP:
ll_upper_bound = UpperBound(rl_arr[])
if ll_upper_bound <= 100 then
for ll_row = 1 to ll_upper_bound
if rl_arr[ll_row] = al_val then
return true
end if
return false
end if
// The array is large - it's faster to use DataStore search:
lds_temp = uf_ds_from_array(rl_arr[]) // uf_ds_from_array():
lds_temp.object.val.current = rl_arr[]
ll_row = lds_temp.Find("the_val=" + al_val, 1, ll_upper_bound)
destroy lds_temp
return (ll_row > 0)